Habitat for Humanity

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[vc_column_text]To create a community of parish volunteers to work with West Volusia Habitat for Humanity to build houses and provide decent affordable housing for those living in substandard conditions. St. Peter Church supports Habitat for Humanity and usually constructs all or part of one house each year. This commitment includes providing all the services, materials and volunteers to build this house.

This commitment includes providing all the services, materials and volunteers to build this house. Volunteers need only the willingness to help with the support committee or the actual building process. There is always plenty to do even if one does not have construction skills. The support committee provides food and beverages for the volunteers on work Saturdays. The weekly bulletin announces building project information and to receive project information via email contact ministry contacts below.

St. Peter Church supports Habitat for Humanity and has committed to build at least one house each year. The ministry has a steering committee which meets only when needed for project planning.

Ministry Contacts:
Bob Torbitt and Tony Newton
