Audio/Visual YouTube Videos

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Vega Funeral

St Peter DeLand Sunday Mass

Welcome to Sunday Mass at St Peter Catholic Church. Pastor Father Gilbert Medina

St Peter DeLand Sunday Mass

Welcome to Sunday Mass at St Peter Catholic Church. Pastor Father Gilbert Medina

St Peter DeLand Sunday Mass

Welcome to Sunday Mass at St Peter Catholic Church. Pastor Father Gilbert Medina

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[vc_column_text]Here at St. Peter, we are blessed not only to have the ability to convey the word of God with the use of 21st Century Technology, but with a pastor that has the creativity and courage to do so. More and more Churches are turning to new technology to bring a more dynamic presentation of Our Lord’s Teachings and gearing up for the next generation of new disciples of Christ.

We currently have (2) Main Video Projection Screens plus an additional 4 tv monitors positioned in the church so everyone in the congregation can see exactly what is taking place during a mass. We also have a complete Bose Audio System and individual hearing assisted packs as well.

We are always looking for volunteers not only to assist with the duties consistent with our weekend masses, but we also welcome anyone with any knowledge of video, editing, sound engineering, computers, and/or photography. This can be a very fun & rewarding ministry. We are in need of several people for A/V operators as well.

Michael Orola