The Diocese of Orlando has decided to cancel Confirmation on the 29th of March. Please check back, either on the website or Facebook for rescheduling information. A Flock-note notice was also sent.
Are you in high school this year, and have not been confirmed? Do you sometimes think to yourself, “There has to be more to life than movies, parties, school, sports, and shopping?” Do you sometimes find yourself staring blankly into space during school or when you are at Mass? Maybe God is trying to tell you something! Maybe it’s time for you to enroll in our Confirmation Preparation Program!
If you are ready to take the final step in your initiation into the church community, Confirmation Prep. is for you! Your parents presented you at Baptism to become a member of the Body of Christ. The Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation complete your initiation into the church.
Ministry Contact:
Jenny Mansingh