Grand Prize

Welcome to our 1st Annual International Festival Grand Prize Drawing Page

Check back from time to time for updates to the details surrounding our Grand Prize Drawing.

Text on the ticket

Dear Parishioner,

You will receive two pages of tickets, each labeled with your family name and envelope number. Please review the tickets and decide how many you would like to purchase. Once you’ve made your decision, send us the payment along with the number of tickets you wish to enter into the grand prize drawing on the final day of the festival.

Thank you for your participation and support!

When we receive your envelope at the church office our parish counting team will reconcile your payment to the number of tickets you wish to enter into the drawing. This information will be logged into our database to ensure a record of all transactions is maintained.

Prizes subject to change. Amounts reflect estimated value. Winners responsible for all applicable state and federal taxes. Presence not necessary to win.

You may photo copy your sheet of tickets in the event you would like to enter more than we provided in your envelope. Be sure you copy the ticket with your information on it.