Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers and Greeters) have a very important roles in our weekend liturgies. St. Peter Church entrusts them to foster a sense of welcoming and belonging among the faithful assembled for worship at Saturday and Sunday Masses and at Masses celebrated on Holy Days of Obligation and other special occasions.  In addition, our Hospitality Ministers provide information about parish services and activities to parishioners and visitors and assist with stewardship collections.

If you are new to the parish, this ministry offers you a wonderful opportunity to get involved at St. Peter Church and meet other parishioners.  People of all ages, including children accompanied by parents or grandparents, may serve in this ministry. Fingerprinting and Diocesan Safe Environment must be completed starting at age 15.  See:


Ministry contact:  Richard Peterson

Please call if you have interest in joining the St Peter Ministers of Hospitality.