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[vc_column_text]The St. Peter Church Prayer Shawl Ministry is dedicated to making shawls, wraps, lapghans (lap-sized afghans), and chemo caps. The items are for people who have been diagnosed with a serious illness, people who are frightened at what they are about to face, and people who need extra courage and strength to trust in God’s plan.
Members knit and crochet at home and bring items to meetings. People who cannot attend meetings drop off items at the church office or gift shop. We ask that shawls, wraps, and lapghans be made in the following sizes, and that all are soft, cozy, and warm, and have tassels and/or fringe.
▪ Shawls: 55 to 60 inches wide, and about 30 inches at longest point.
▪ Wraps: 19 to 22 inches wide, and 55 to 60 inches long.
▪ Lapghans: Sizes are flexible. Small and larger sizes are welcome.
Items are made with prayers offered for the healing, strength, faith, and comfort of the recipient. Each item is blessed and has some knots tied in the tassels before being delivered to cancer institutes, healing ministries, and individuals in need. The knots represent the prayers we have said for recipients. From 2010 to mid-2018, we have made and given away over1,820 shawls/wraps/lapghans and 898 hats.
We meet at St. Peter Church in DeLand on the first Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. in Saint Teresa Hall for fellowship and prayer. As we have given away our knitted and crocheted items through the years, we have heard many special stories that tell us the ministry has touched lives and brought comfort.
Donations of yarn are welcome, and monetary donations are appreciated to help cover the cost of yarn, bags, labels, and letters of explanation.
Ministry Contact
Gerri Bauer