
Aug 2016

STARKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL UNIFORMS Imagine you’re a little kid named Ben on the first day of school.  When you get to school, all the other kids are in uniforms…but, you don’t have one. We at St. Peter’s can help the approximately 50 Starke Elementary students who won’t have uniforms due to family situations. A complete uniform (polo shirt & slacks) costs $10-$20.   Any amount of money will be appreciated.  Won’t you help by bringing your donation to the Church Office indicating it’s for Starke School Uniforms? One final thought:  this is the......

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May 2016

We would love it if everyone would go to our Facebook page here: Saint Peter Facebook Our Goal is 1,000 likes and we are only a couple hundred away, so like it and then share it so we can reach our goal! As always we thank you for your support and appreciate you all....

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