
Aug 2024

Improvements are happening in the Bosco Hall. Paul Gagnon crafted this beautiful new AC grate, replacing the original damaged one. Knights of the Month: Presented by Grand Knight: Tim Augustine (Left) Recipients Left to Right: Ralph Carver, Gerry Risting, Paul Gagnon 386 822-6000 Call the church office to begin your journey. We are accepting new members today!...

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Aug 2024

Your Knights hard at work here at St. Peter with much needed updates to the Bosco Hall. New Counter and New Paint. Our July Family of the Month Nicole and TJ Furney We are delighted to honor Nicole and TJ Furney as our July Family of the Month! Nicole co-chairs the Women’s Tuesday Bible Group and she and TJ coach the basketball team at St. Peter. They have both recently converted to Catholicism. Nicole also serves on the PTA and as a Lector. Their daughter, Leah attends St. Peter School. Thank you,......

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