Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ or CFC is a Catholic lay organization established in the Philippines in 1981 by 16 married couples. We have been granted Pontifical rights by the Vatican as we are listed among 122 International Associations of the Faithful since 2006. To date, we are over 1,000,000 strong members from all walks of life operating in 5 continents around the world including more than 32 states in the US. Here in Florida, our ministry is both community and parish-based and we are fully recognized by several parish priests including the Bishop within the diocese of Orlando.

We are committed to answering the call of Pope Francis for family renewal and global evangelization. Our mission is twofold: To build the church of the home and the church of the poor. To this end, we continue to implement in a sustained manner various formation programs for children, youth, single men and women, couples even widows and widowers designed first to help foster a deeper relationship with Christ and secondly to provide concrete means to reach out to the less fortunate and bring them to a state of family renewal in Christ. In the most basic unit of our organization which we call a “Household” or prayer group, we hold bi-weekly gatherings where we praise and worship thru songs and shared prayers; conduct Bible studies and basic catechism as it relates to the needs of the Christian in today’s modern world; discuss family issues in the context of our Faith following the teaching magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church; and fellowship with one another to strengthen our bonds as brothers and sisters in Christ. We are 100% a family ministry…with a guaranteed womb to tomb formation Track. Each of our activities whether they are for the kids or the youth;… all are tied into the activities of the couples or adults. In other words, wherever we go for an activity, mom and dad with kids in tow including grandpa and grandma are all present. We have something for everyone whether we are praying, having a teaching night or simply playing or having fun out in the field or the beach!

We are very eager to share with you our unique life experiences of how God has touched us and continues to move in our lives through the Holy Spirit. We are committed to providing St. Peter parishioners with avenues to build a very deep, stable and sustained prayer life within the home and to raise the level of consciousness of our social and spiritual responsibilities towards those who have gone astray from the Faith especially following social and economic difficulties. We are likewise committed to answer other needs of the parish in so far as it relates to building the universal church within St. Peter’s. Our brothers and sisters form CFC are ready to serve at St. Peter’s just as Christ promised to serve, “Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve…” Mt. 20:28

Ramon Gutierrez